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It's hard to find answers
about having a healthy sex life.

Let's change that.

honest conversations about sex that address the




& emotional

parts of healthy intimacy

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What do we discuss?

The Healthy Sex Podcast dives deeply into the different parts of healthy sexual relationships. We'll answer often untapped questions about the neurochemistry, biology, spirituality, and emotionality of what helps your relationship to thrive - not just survive. Here are some of our favorites!

Hormonal Health with Josh Porter and Mandy Livingston from Optimize U

Confused about

What Turns You On?

Safety and Trust

for a Healthy Love Life

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Dirty Genes & Your Love Life with Guest Ed Jones

Wonder Women: Optimizing Health through the Lifespan!

Episode 6

Releasing Soon!

Couple's Feet in Bed

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It may be featured on a
future episode

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